DVB Inspector

User manual


Start DVB Inspector by double clicking on the DVBinspector-1.19.2.jar file (prefered), or (alternativly) on the dvb.bat/dvb.sh file, starting dvb.bat/dvb.sh from a command prompt or by clicking on a shortcut.

initial window is empty
When started an empty window will appear.

dos box, do not close!
When started by using the dvb.bat file you may see in the background a dos box with some logging information in it. You can ignore this box, but don't try to close it!

file chooser
To open a transport stream click the "File" menu, select "open", with the file browser select the file you want to inspect.

Alternatively, you can use drag and drop to load a MPEG Transport file.

unknown packet sizeDVB Inspector supports Transport Streams with 188, 192, 204 and 208 bytes packet size. It will try to auto detect the packet size. If it does not find a valid packet size it will display this error message.


DVB Inspector offers six different views of a transport stream; A tree view (for logical analyzes), a EIT view (fast overview of EIT information), a bitrate view (to see bitrate alter over time), a bar chart view (summary of average/minimum and maximum bitrates), a grid view (to see how different PIDs are distributed over time) and a PCR/PTS/DTS graph (to see the relation between the different time stamps of the components of a single service)

Transport Stream (TS)

The different aspects of this program are demonstrated with the transport stream, digitenne 482000 06-30 19-43-54.ts (64,587,776 bytes). This is a capture of the DVB-T Service of Digitenne, and contains 4 FTA MPEG2 TV services, and some radio stations. Other features like AIT and DSM-CC are demonstrated with ARD 634000 05-08 23-38-10.ts (60,415,680 bytes). For features that are not present in this stream (like DVB subtitling) other examples are used.

Since development of the program is a continuous process, screen shots may not be up to date.

This page was last modified on 11/08/2024